usa indie
Albums scraped2021-12-13T08:54:36.117Z
Last updated2021-12-13T21:07:51.629Z
Released at
99Brother Sun Sister Moon - Way Down Deep1997-03-11
59Brother Sun Sister Moon - The Great Game1997
66Cavestar - Filaments1997
85Cavestar - Wetlands1997
39Artemis - Undone2001-02-14
12Sarah Fimm - Cocooned2001-06-15
53Saru - Downtempo Dojo (Reissue)2001-06-26
69Saru - Downtempo Dojo2001-06-26
28Blue Tofu - Blue Tofu2001-07-31
98Lovespirals - Ecstatic2001-10-30
42Karmacoda - Reco mended2001
89Lovespirals - Ecstatic EP2001
29Lovespirals - Windblown Kiss2002-06-18
3Sarah Fimm - A Perfect Dream2002
93Sarah Fimm - A Perfect Dream (Taster disc)2002
30Khonnor - Lost Pets2003-05-30
86Karmacoda - Ultraviolet Live2003-08-00
20Karmacoda - Evidence2003-08
55Celeste Lear - The Echo Inside2003
6Karmacoda - Transitory Mini EP2004-01-20
84Karmacoda - Baby It's Cold Outside2004-01-20
34Holmes Ives - Tetrasomia2004-09-01
18Sarah Fimm - Nexus2004-09-05
15Keston and Westdal - Super Structure Baby2004
56Mind Soup - The Rules of Nothing2004
81Keston and Westdal - Super Structure Baby [reissue]2004
40Ielo - Below Zero - Minus 12005-02-02
22Artemis - Gravity2005-02-11
48Lovespirals - Free & Easy2005-11-01
91Lovespirals - Feel So Good EP2005-11-01
90Paul & Price - A Sip of Sunshine2005
92Paul & Price - Sounds Like Sex 22005
54Jette-Ives - In the Deep2006-07-01
64e.p. hall - The Edge the Middle2006-08-09
60Evolve - Happy Hour In The Gene Pool2006-11-01
8Lisa Papineau - Red Trees2006
11Lisa Papineau - Night Moves2006
38Evolve - Happy Hour in the Gene Pool (Remastered)2006
57Under - Under E.P.2006
58Paul & Price - Sounds Like Sex2006
70UNA - The Rain Is Over And Gone2006
7Keston and Westdal - Truth is Stranger2007-03-13
2Karmacoda - Illuminate2007-03
37Lovespirals - Motherless Child EP2007-09-16
78Lovespirals - Motherless Child2007-09-16
1Dive Index - Mid/Air2007-10-02
4Mind Soup - Love Songs For Gifted Children2007-10-10
50Lovespirals - Long Way From Home2007-10-23
95Saru - The Reboot EP2007-12-24
13Karmacoda - Illuminate (Sola Musa)2007
26Tinyfolk - Bill2007
27Mudville - Mudville (EP)2007
35Mudville - Iris Nova2007
41Saru - Machine2007
47UNA - UNA2007
79The Binary Marketing Show - yield what you may2007
82Mudville - Mudville Live at Sin-e 03/25/20052007
46Atlas Sound - How I Escaped the Prison of Fractals2008-02-14
10Celeste Lear - Looking Up From underwater2008-04-10
25Celeste Lear - Untitled Album2008-05-01
100dessktop - kirpi ep2008-06-22
36Sarah Fimm - White Birds EP2008-12-24
5Sarah Fimm - White Birds2008-12-25
45Sarah Fimm - Barn Sessions2008-12-25
14Keston and Westdal - One Day to Save All Life2008
80Sarah Fimm - Sampler2008
72Under - More Pleasant Grey2009-03-07
9Sarah Fimm - Red Yellow Sun2009-08
19Mind Soup - Besides2009-12-18
76Saru - The Pearl2009-12-23
32Sarah Fimm - The Vanishing Sessions (B-Sides Part I)2009-12
61Michael Maricle - Reflections2009
75Michael Maricle - French Press2009
87PIXSID - Atoms Apart2009
63Lovespirals - Future Past2010-01-01
51Artemis - Auralei2010-02-14
31Dive Index - The Surface We Divide2010-10-12
62Sarah Fimm - Karma Phala Project2010
94Sarah Fimm - Soul Let Swim2010
96Sarah Fimm - Invisible Satellites2010
65Return to Mono - Framebreaker Remixed2011-01-13
67Return to Mono - Framebreaker2011-01-13
49Saru - Tsunami (Special Edition)2011-03-12
17Sarah Fimm - Near Infinite Possibility2011-05-05
83Vespertina - The Waiting Wolf2011-05-10
21Mimi Page - Harmonious HeartBEATS2011-06-08
23Karmacoda - Eternal2011-08-02
24Mimi Page - A Lullaby for the Lonely (EP)2011-09-12
33Mimi Page - This Fire2011-12-01
71Mimi Page - Gravity2011
73Mimi Page - New - Single2011
74Sarah Fimm - Flames2011
97Mount Eerie - 2008-04-18 - The Helm Gallery2012-04-10
52Celeste Lear - Cloud 9.12012-05-01
44Mark Lesseraux - Low Cool2012
43Evolve - Deeper Than the Sea2013-11-01
77Cemetery Cemetery - cemetery cemetery2013
68Saru - dojoREMIXED ( Exclusive)2016-06-18
88Saru - Machine (Unmixed Version)2016-06-18
16Brother Sun Sister Moon - Luminous2016-07-14